Bästa Kompisar is an advertising agency in Malmö. Here we create and produce emotions - without renouncing reason. We navigate brands through planned change. Always as needed. Always with feeling.
A brand consists of both fixed and moving parts. The fixed ones provide continuity. The moving ones evoke emotions and create attention. Regardless of which part - identity, strategy or content - your brand needs help with, we help ensure that everything is done with both heart and mind.
Enligt Årets Byrå 2024
Årets Byrå är en bransch- och kundstudie av Regi, där vi tillhör kategorin Reklam 25+ MKR. Det här tycker våra kunder om oss:
Digital expertise
BK's clients believe that the agency delivers high digital expertise. Significantly higher than the average for advertising agencies +25 million according to this year's agency survey.
BK's clients rate 9 or 10 in the creativity category according to Agency of the Year 2024. It's especially rewarding because we believe that good communication is always based on creative excellence!
According to Agency of the Year, 9 out of 10 of BK's clients experience that we deliver a higher effect than expected per invested krona. We can do this because we deliver higher efficiency by having all production gathered.
Why BK?
The 4 most important reasons why our clients choose us, according to Agency of the Year 2024, are: Engagement, creativity, personal chemistry, and our comprehensive offering.